October 23
Necessary Changes to Major League Baseball
On the eve of a World Series that will not include my beloved Yankees, it’s time to complain about baseball, and to offer some suggestions as to how it could - and should - improve.
October 22
5 Most Notorious Sports Conspiracies.
It’s rare that we see such craziness in sports as we’ve seen with Lance Armstrong over the past several weeks. He’s been stripped of all his cycling titles, his sponsors...
October 18
What's in Your Wallet?
Is doing the wrong thing only wrong when you get caught?
October 17
The Unfriendly Skies.
“You don’t drive a truck that weighs 9,900 pounds across a bridge that says ‘Limit 10,000 pounds’ because you can’t be that sure.”
October 16
3 More Parenting Rules of Thumb.
Yesterday I talked about three basic rules of good parenting.
October 15
Parenting Rules of Thumb.
One of my favorite parenting books is The Life You Imagine.
October 11
Sometimes There Isn't Anything Else.
Lately I’ve been thinking more and more about what What Else? means.
October 11
Staying Up.
“You’re going to be asked a lot of questions if it doesn’t work,” Girardi said.
October 10
We're All Gonna Be Okay
The election season is all full of doom and gloom. Everyone’s telling us how bad we’re doing.