July 2
Failures of Kindness
Syracuse man and acclaimed author George Saunders gave the commencement address at the school this year.

May 21
Big Kids.
Someone once told me that if you ever have trouble understanding the actions of people around you, imagine them as little kids.

May 19
Be Present
Back when I first started Steiner Sports, there were times where I didn’t make it home for dinner with my family as often as I should have. But it’s funny - because nowadays, even being with people in person, you know, making it home, isn’t enough.

May 12
Quality Time: What it Means to You and the Ones You Love
You can't put a price tag on spending quality time, many times in a place where you're comfortable.

May 7
The Best Present is to be Present
These days, being with people in person just isn't enough.

January 22
What Makes a Great Communicator?
Why do we listen to some people - and remember what they've said - and not others?

December 13
To Gift Or Regift: That Is My Question
Just by definition, regifting gets a bad wrap (pun intended) as people think it takes the warmth and thought out of the gifting process. I think instead of branding this process as regifting we should consider calling it repurposing.

December 1
Who Has Your Back?
I had everything working my way, strong as a bull. And still I ignored the rules of the game of life. - Lawrence Taylor.

November 21
Don't Drive A 9,999 Pound Truck Over A 10,000 Pound Bridge
Let me ask you, why you would take a 9,999 pound truck over a bridge with a capacity of 10,000 pounds? Can you spell DANGER? So many of us in our lives are pushing...