May 14
The $5 Milkshake - Adding Value
Everybody knows the movie, “Pulp Fiction” and the restaurant scene where Vincent (John Travolta) is out with Mia Wallace (Uma Thurman) where Mia orders a $5 milkshake.

May 5
What Sports Can Teach You About Running a Business
In his book You Gotta Have Balls: How a Kid from Brooklyn Started From Scratch, Bought Yankee Stadium, and Created a Sports Empire...

April 9
Never Make the "Soft Sell"; Make the Smart Sell
I like to think of myself as a darn good salesman. I really do think I could sell an ice cube to an Eskimo.

March 3
Are You Building or Evolving Your Brand?
For many people leading a business, the most important objective is making money. For me, I believe the most important result a company can generate is to build a brand that people love and gravitate towards.

January 27
Level of Acceptance Will Equal Commitment
The next few weeks at CollectibleXchange are about to be very exciting, for both us and for you! New York Rangers great Mark Messier is coming into our office next week and New York Yankees star catcher Gary Sanchez will be visiting the first week in February. If you want to pre-order any collectible item or send-in a piece of your own, check out cxstuff.com or reach out to me or our team!

January 27
The Triple Crown?
In my last post, I talked about the choice companies must make between price, quality and service - how they can only choose two.

January 22
What Makes a Great Communicator?
Why do we listen to some people - and remember what they've said - and not others?

December 16
Have you ever had that experience when your partner was faking it !
As the days until Christmas tick down, the amount of stress people feel about getting through their holiday gift list often goes up.

December 10
STOP looking for passion!
Having an agreement and understanding with someone leads to commitment, which leads to passion.