April 23
The Positive Side of Greek Life
This blog was written by a fraternity brother and lifelong friend of mine from Phi Gamma Delta (FIJI) at Syracuse.

April 19
Planning for the Future
I don’t mean to beat a dead horse, but to me it’s uplifting when somebody has the balls to do something that can seem like a crazy idea, but in the big picture will benefit themselves, their family and even their place of work.

March 2
The More You Sit, The Less You Live
Seriously, research has shown it. The dangers of “over-sitting” are very real.

December 10
Protect Yourself Against Kidney Stones
Unfortunately, I had to deal with kidney stones for a second time this year. It can be a very painful experience…very painful.

December 1
Don't Exercise If You're Not Healthy
If you're not healthy, the last thing you should be doing is exercise.

November 27
This is the Secret to Productivity
Since Black Friday marks the busiest time of the year for so many business, including Steiner Sports, I figured there was no better time to tell you the secret to productivity.

September 18
Your Life is Now
Stop! Get things done because your life is now! Here’s a list of things you should stop putting off everyday.

August 27
Be Grateful for All the Things You Don't Have
I know I am always talking about how important it is to be grateful for what you have.

July 22
How to Fly on an Airplane
Summer time means summer vacations. Summer vacations mean a lot of flying.