February 5
Happy Birthday Hammerin' Hank Aaron
It’s crazy to think that Hammerin’ Hank Aaron is 80 years old today.
February 2
Discipline Is Key for Any Team
A college buddy and fraternity brother of mine used to be a Commander in the Navy.
January 30
The Ways We Spend Our Time
There are some things I just don’t understand about the way we use our time.
January 28
New Yorkers need to brace for and must embrace the Super Bowl
New York, New York, it's a helluva town, if I can make it here, I can make it anywhere! So, the songs go.
January 27
Eat More...Lose More Weight!
Today’s blog post is from Dana Cavalea, founder of ML Strength, Inc., a private performance training facility in White Plains, NY. Cavalea created ML Strength with the vision of enhancing human performance and the company utilizes the same training protocols that professional athletes use.
January 23
Little Things Don’t Mean A Lot, They Mean Everything
My great mentor and friend Harvey MacKay once told me that. Harvey is a businessman and an author of many books.
January 21
Second Language Spells Success
There was a cat and a mouse in a house. The cat was chasing the mouse all over the place.
January 19
Quality Time...What it Means to You and those You Love
Sometimes I talk about slowing down and having quality time with those you love.
January 17
Do People Really Change?
I come from the school of thought where I always think people can change and that, maybe more specifically, I’m going to be the one to change them.