October 18
Quitting is a Habit
A friend recently forwarded along an article from David Kaiser about the 5 reasons why quitting is a habit and I had to file this under “must post.”
October 15
Mentoring is a Two-Way Street
When Ken Blanchard came to speak at Steiner Sports at few weeks back, I had a really interesting conversation with him about mentoring.
October 13
8 Questions with Gary Myers, Author of "Brady vs Manning"
Tom Brady and Peyton Manning. They are arguably two of the greatest athletes ever and each are certainly in the discussion for best NFL quarterback of all-time.
October 11
Are you a stone-cold-killer?
I was having lunch with a friend of mine, Mike DeMarco, a real estate mogul, and he was telling me about the fact that the 10,000th day that you’re alive on this turns out to be right around when you’re 27 years old.
October 8
Two Things I Learned from Darryl Strawberry
With the success of the Mets this year, I've had a chance to reconnect with all the guys I got to know so well during their big run of hot teams in the 1980s.
October 7
8 Questions with Jean Twenge
How do we handle these millennials? Oh, boy...
September 30
The Hook-Up: Going Back to Your Roots
I have had the chance to work with some incredible people during my time at Steiner Sports...
September 29
Contest: Who do you learn from?
So, here’s my question of the day: who do you learn from?
September 21
8 Questions with Kathrine Switzer
Kathrine Switzer changed the world. It's that simple and complex at the same time.