April 22
All the Anonymous Heroes
Some of you might recognize this man. It's 26-year-old Sean A. Collier, the MIT police officer who was killed in a shootout with the Boston Marathon bombers Thursday night.
April 18
Gen Text vs. Baby Boomers -- Who Ya Got?
An employee told me that he almost smacked headfirst into an air conditioner today because he was texting while walking.
April 17
I've been away the past couple of days so I didn't have a new post ready for today. Instead I thought I'd share some links to some old ones for...
April 16
Wanna Get Someone's Attention
April 15
When to Fire a Client
I once interviewed John Wren, the CEO of Omnicom Group. I asked him what the most important part of running a business was, and he said: “It’s the quality of your clients.”
April 13
No Winners Situation
A lot of people have been asking for my opinion on Heisman Trophy winner Johnny Manziel, who in January allegedly signed hundreds of autographs on photos and sports memorabilia for a "five-figure" fee. This a huge NCAA no-no.
April 12
Capacity Is a State of Mind
Watching the NCAA final Monday night illuminated for me something that I think gets lost nowadays: The incredible value of hard work.
April 11
Budgeting Your Future
Most of us have heard some variation of the quote that your life happens while making plans. In other words, plan as much as you want, but life is going to get in the way.
April 9
How Do You Keep a Relationship Strong?
I'm always talking about relationships being the key to everything. Why, even just yesterday I talked about the key to relationships.