May 2
10 Things I Wish I Knew When I Was 30
Last Friday, we had a guest blogger from the Millennial Generation.
May 2
What Does Generosity Mean?
Usually on this blog I like to give advice or tell a story.
May 1
(Really) Adding Friends
Adding friends on Facebook (or any other social network) is very easy.
April 29
Cold Calling Tips
It's not just salespeople. We all have to "cold call" once in a while.
April 29
Force of Habit
There's a saying I love: You do what you did.
April 26
Generation Boomer vs. Gen Text
A week ago, I wrote a blog post where I said that the "millennials," or the members of the "Head Down Generation," spend so much time in their digital worlds that they don't live enough in the real world.
April 25
The Shot Clock of Life
When you’re a kid, you never think about tomorrow. Because you have a seemingly endless string of tomorrows ahead of you. You take them for granted.
April 24
What it REALLY Takes to WIN
Are you someone that accepts failure too much?
April 23
Prepare for an Interview
A few weeks ago, I talked about the best way to look for work. But once you find a good prospect, how do you prepare for an interview?