November 29
Not All Business Is Good Business
The hardest thing you will have to do is say no.

September 20
Jeter and Cuban: Prepared On And Off The Field
On the most recent episode of my podcast, Unplugged with Brandon Steiner, I spoke with two of the premier franchise owners in sports, former New York Yankees captain Derek Jeter, and owner of the Dallas Mavericks, Mark Cuban.

March 10
The Ultimate Entrepreneur
I believe there is a huge misunderstanding in society today about entrepreneurship. In order to be a successful entrepreneur, you have to believe in yourself and your principles enough to risk your life.

March 6
How the Game-Used Idea Started
Often people ask me how I got started with sport collectibles. My answer is this: it has always been in my blood.

January 18
Are You Creating Value?
What are you doing for your company that they can’t necessarily do for themselves?

January 4
The 4 I's Required of a Great Salesperson
I am always talking about how to be better salesperson.

October 20
Should I become an entrepreneur?
Focus and discipline. Do you have it?

July 24
Getting Lost in Entrepreneurship
I think where people get lost in “entrepreneurship,” since it has become such a buzzword, frankly, is they come up with an idea and they’re all excited about putting that idea into action. It could be a great product they've thought of - something everybody needs (or so they think) and they feel this amazing product has to be packaged and sold as soon as possible.

November 24
10 Steps to Financial Success
So I was giving a speech the other day and a younger woman asked, “How can I become rich?”