May 9
Nice Companies
A couple of weeks ago, I had the pleasure of chatting with Peter Shankman, entrepreneur extraordinaire (he started HARO, among other things), and author of three books, including the recently-published.
April 29
Cold Calling Tips
It's not just salespeople. We all have to "cold call" once in a while.
April 23
Prepare for an Interview
A few weeks ago, I talked about the best way to look for work. But once you find a good prospect, how do you prepare for an interview?
April 15
When to Fire a Client
I once interviewed John Wren, the CEO of Omnicom Group. I asked him what the most important part of running a business was, and he said: “It’s the quality of your clients.”
April 13
No Winners Situation
A lot of people have been asking for my opinion on Heisman Trophy winner Johnny Manziel, who in January allegedly signed hundreds of autographs on photos and sports memorabilia for a "five-figure" fee. This a huge NCAA no-no.
April 11
Budgeting Your Future
Most of us have heard some variation of the quote that your life happens while making plans. In other words, plan as much as you want, but life is going to get in the way.
April 4
Business Fundamentals
Somewhere along the line, in this dog-eat-dog, get-rich-quick-with-the-next-big-internet-invention, trade-stocks-according-to-an-algorithm-that-would-make-Stephen Hawking-blush, you're-nothing-without-50,000-facebook-likes world, business fundamentals got lost.
March 25
How Do You Motivate Employees?
As a CEO, one of the things I get asked a lot is: "How do you motivate employees?"
March 22
Do I Quit My Job?
You're unhappy at work - for whatever reason - and you're thinking, "Is it time? Do I quit my job?"