Stop saying "I'm doing the best I can".
Start saying "I am going to do everything I can".
Stop asking if everything is okay.
Start looking to see if everything is okay with your friends, your spouse, or your employees, and act accordingly.
Stop trying to resolve your spouse's or kids' problems.
Start focusing on just listening to them.
Stop working out and then eating poorly.
Start prioritizing your diet and then focus on working out.
Stop setting goals and timelines. Stop using a shot clock at work and with relationships.
Start creating purpose for the things that matter most.
Stop thinking all about the money and the money grab, and that money is the answer to all of your problems.
Start doing good. Helping people will help yourself. To fill yourself, forget yourself.
Stop focusing solely on the revenue growth.
Start realizing that some things are best the way they are - and just be grateful.
Stop thinking your kids are mini-me's.
Start showing them how you got the things you have and how struggling for those things helped you in the end.
Stop judging people.
Start finding the good in people.
Stop complaining every day, as that approach will make you end up with less.
Start being grateful. You will be on the road to getting more.
Stop being disappointed: it's a killer! There's no worse feeling than being let down after expecting things to happen.
Start turning expectations to appreciations! After all, everything is a learning experience and usually the toughest experiences are the ones that you grow the most from.
Stop complaining about your spouse or partner every day.
Start finding one positive thing about your relationship each day, and tell them!
Stop buying a dozen roses for your spouse.
Start buying one rose on twelve separate occasions.
Stop thinking you're underpaid and overworked.
Start thinking about the value you provide at your job and how to increase that value, and the money will come.
Stop getting backlogged with "I love you's"
Start saying "thank you" and "I love you" more. Let the people you care about know they are loved and appreciated.
Stop focusing on the list of things you want to do.
Start focusing on the list of things that are keeping you from doing what you want to do.
Start NOW. The best time is now.
Quote of the Day: "When you wake up every day, you have two choices. You can either be positive or negative; an optimist or a pessimist. I choose to be an optimist. It's all a matter of perspective." - Harvey Mackay
Song of the Day: "Man In The Mirror" by Michael Jackson
*My latest book; "Living on Purpose: Stories about Faith, Fortune and Fitness that will lead you to an Extraordinary Life", is NOW available! Click here!*