Some Call It Bitching, But I Call It Motivational Speaking

I’m going to start this off by telling you the top places I go to get motivation when I need it the most.

  1. Harvey Mackay
  2. Ken Blanchard
  3. Tony Robbins
  4. Oprah Winfrey
  5. Jon Gordon
  6. Jeff Gitomer
  7. Dale Carnegie

What’s special about these amazing people is that they have the exact quality you need to succeed, that they don't teach you at the Harvard School of Business…the ability to stay motivated!

You can understand data spreadsheets and analytics all you want, but if you can’t motivate yourself you will never find success.

I suggest every morning you find a place to find your daily does of motivation.

There’s nothing wrong going to watch a TED Talk, or listening to a regular podcast. Take a step out of your comfort zone, and look at new places to get inspired.

Do you take the time to go look at new places or people to get motivated, or do you stick to the same routine every day and never see a change?


Quote of the Day: "If you build it, he will come"-(Field of Dreams, 1989)

Song of the Day: Living Proof (Bruce Springsteen) 


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