Sunset & the Thinker

Sunset & the Thinker
One of my favorite sayings is: “Do as much as you can for as many people as you can without expecting anything in return.” That’s the only way to build real relationships.

But the catch is, you can’t truly be a help to others when you’re not your best.

It’s like they say on the airplane, in case the cabin pressure drops:

Place the oxygen mask on yourself first and then help those who are unable to help themselves.

Are you taking the proper amount of time each day to breathe your own oxygen?

When was the last time you took a half-hour or an hour out of your day just for you?

Try the 3 S’s:

STOP. Put away the distractions. Turn off the phone.

SLOW DOWN. Go some place quiet. Try to relax. Slow your mind down so you can really meditate on your life: What do you want and are you doing all you can to get it?

STAY THERE. Take the whole period you’ve carved out, even if you feel you don’t need it. You never know how your mind will evolve if you just give it some time.

Additionally - are you exercising - at least a little bit - every day?

How’s your eating? If you’re anything like me, you work at eating healthy, but you have room for improvement, right?

Think about it this way: if you were a commodity, what would your value be?

Is it as high as it could be?

Get my book, You Gotta Have Balls, for free here. Just pay shipping.


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