Don’t put up with the same old things! There is no better time to improve a process than right now! It’s not what happens to you it’s how you react to what happens!
I took a drive upstate this past weekend to see my daughter’s old sleep away camp, Iroquois Springs. The camp was closed for the summer, as many sleep away camps are victims of this virus. The director, Mark Newfield, rather than doing nothing and feeling bad for himself, decided to take the summer to improve the camp grounds. They are fixing up bunks, building the world's largest treehouse and creating new and exciting attractions for all the young campers. This is why year-after-year his camp is one of the best! Now, when kids come next year, the camp is another step above the rest!
What I love most is Mark’s attitude. Why settle for being “really good” when you can strive to be great? Why not take a minute to see the difference between where you are and where you want to be? See what it takes to be or beat the best!
Text less, talk more:
With less travel and less commuting, I have taken the liberty of calling many more people than I normally do. It’s very important to check-in and make sure the people you care about and work with are okay. So, reach out and touch someone. Make a few extra calls each day to an old friend or client that has dropped off to see how they are. Hey, you never know what may come of a simple “hey!”
I keep two lists:
#1 - All the things I want to do, people I want to see, places I want to go, restaurants I want to eat at, activities I want to experience
#2 - What is holding me back from doing list #1
Beat yesterday and do not look back:
So, what do you want to look like when this virus ends? Do you want to lose weight? Get stronger? Take a class? Read some books? Reconnect with some family members? Fix up some part of your house or apartment?
Create some goals for yourself and do more than you did the day before! Be enthusiastic!
For my birthday, my wife bought me a subscription for (for those who are not big readers, this is a great way to jump start your learning in a zillion ways!)
A few book suggestions:
You Haven’t Hit Your Peak Yet! (Harvey Mackay)
I am a huge fan of all his books. This is a great book that just came out a few months ago
A Light Shines Through Us (Joe Sweeney)
A big fan of all Joe’s books but, this one hits home.
52 Things Wives Need From Their Husbands (Jay Payleitner)
Hmmm need I say more?
Transitions (William Bridges)
This book was a game changer for me. It was written 25 years ago and just re-published. A must read.