When you’re a kid, you never think about tomorrow. Because you have a seemingly endless string of days ahead of you, you take tomorrow for granted.
You put things off. You're not really aware of the shot clock of life.
But as you get older, you begin to become more aware that there isn’t always going to be a tomorrow. It’s not like you believe there will be no tomorrow; it’s more like you understand and appreciate today even more so.
You begin to discover the shot clock of life.
This gives you a sense of urgency.
You realize that you can’t put the important things off until tomorrow and if you want to live the life you want, you have to devote some time to your dreams and goals today and every single day.
Are you doing just that? Are you envisioning how you will achieve your life goals and working towards those goals; even if it’s doing just one or two things to make moves towards those goals?
Making a few moves like that, every day, is like a basketball team running a strategic half-court offense to set up a good shot attempt.
Failing to devote some time every day to your ambitions is like waiting for a three-point bomb to bail you out at the last moment.
How often do you think about the shot clock of life?
Because the truth of the matter is, you're not a kid anymore.
Hi Brandon! Very well put, sometimes we tend to forget whether willingly or not just how fast our lives are moving forward, time flies by and we feel as though we haven’t done enough. Helen and I were at the WBC event at the Marriot featuring Derek Jeter, amazing man! The event was a success for sure, Helen was in heaven!
Ed and Helen Szczerba
WP Hospital
Wise, insightful, and on target, Brandon.