Never Stop Learning

One of the biggest myths I've noticed is that so many college graduates believe that you finish learning when you finish college.

A lot of them would be surprised to hear that I am more of a student today; at age 59, than I have ever been. Learners are earners.

You have to be a student in life and in your profession if you want to be successful!

If you're an entrepreneur/businessperson, are you watching all of the latest Ted Talks? Have you watched or read every interview you could find with Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Jay-Z, or Warren Buffett; to name a few?

If you're a back surgeon, have you met every top back surgeon in the world and learned everything you need to know? Are you striving to the best you can be, or what?

Want to be the best car salesman? Research the top dealerships you can find. Find out how have they been so successful!

I always wanted to believe everything I just wrote. But; admittedly, I didn't always just do it.

My turning point was the day I went to Lubbock, Texas to visit Coach Bob Knight and check out his memorabilia collection to see if we could help him sell it. I mean, the man had over 300 red sweaters.

What blew me away about Coach Knight; besides obviously being one of the best coaches of all-time who was partially responsible for making the game what it is today, was the amount of books he had.

He had most of the essential history books covering Presidents and the Civil War, but I eventually came across an area of his house that had just about every book about basketball ever written.

I turned to Coach and asked him "have you read all of these books?" He gave me a blank stare.

I picked up a few of them and thumbed through them to find notes in all of them. His curiosity was unmatched.

Most people think coaches are great teachers (and they are), but more importantly, you have to be a great learner to be a great coach.

Those few days I spent with Coach Knight drove me to never stop learning. To be extraordinary, you have to know as much as possible.


Quote of the Day: "Most people have the will to win, few have the will to prepare to win" - Bob Knight

Song of the Day: "ABC" by The Jackson 5

*My latest book; "Living on Purpose: Stories about Faith, Fortune and Fitness that will lead you to an Extraordinary Life", is NOW available! Click here!*

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