A few weeks ago, I read a Forbes article about Deloitte's 2018 Millennial Survey, and it left me discouraged; to say the least. Deloitte reported that 43% of millennials plan on quitting their current job within 2 years, and just 28% planned on staying beyond 5 years.
It seems like rather than taking advantage of the situations they're in, a lot of kids these days would prefer to start fresh elsewhere. I discussed this recent trend with my friend Ivan Ross; a financial guru, and we agreed that this is a huge mistake!
Rather than by dropping everything and starting fresh somewhere new, ask for more responsibility at your current job! Find out how you can help grow the company you're working for.
It's critical to know your value and worth; without a doubt, but don't expect those attributes to increase solely because of longevity. Showing up on time and doing your job every day is not enough.
Look to add value in as many ways as you can. Help your coworkers become more productive. If your boss is staying late one night, you may want to stick around with him. I always say that nothing great happens in most offices until after 6:00pm.
While we're on the topic of bosses: what do you know about yours? Do you know what they value most? Do you know what the company is trying to accomplish; besides just making money? How often do you think about ways you can contribute to the company's success?
In order to truly feel entitled to a raise, you need to recognize the value you provide to the company right now and in the future, and believe that the cost of replacing you would be higher than keeping you and raising your salary.
I once wrote a blog about the best way to get a raise. Also, Dr. Michael Breus aka "The Sleep Doctor" told me the best time to ask for a raise on my Project X show in April:
At the end of the day, not every job is the perfect job. I get that. But I see too many millennials leaving behind excellent opportunities because they think there's something better across the street.
The grass is not greener across the street, the grass is greener where you water it. It's up to you.
And if the grass really is greener across the street, I guarantee the water bill is a lot higher.
Song of the Day: "Love The One You're With" by Stephen Stills
Hey there, Priest Odunga at odungaspelltemple@gmail.com can help you get pregnant.
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While staying with the same DECENT company may lead to bigger and better things; there are business fields that this simply does not work in! The medical field (mostly support staff: technicians & technologists) has always been one of them!
I worked in the medical field for 16-years starting right out of High School for Medtronic in Queens, NY (1986) for their Pacemaker Testing Service (I was their very 1st non-college graduate as an “experiment”). I excelled right away and went from Technician to Technologist faster than anyone in company history.
Then I redesigned their expensive laminated big heavy instruction book for mostly very elderly patients to a single piece of paper with only NECESSARY instructions and my own hand drawn diagrams done on both sides of the paper and was folded into three. At first it was considered but they dragged their feet.
Then a Regional Sales Rep. for Medtronic started a “Creative Idea Contest”, so I chose a partner (contest rule & she had to do nothing at all) and I submitted my new test instruction pamphlet idea for the contest AND I WON (out of about 25 ideas submitted)! My “partner” & I got got $200 each. My idea saved Medtronic $50,000 a year! I didn’t even get a raise for that. In a final attempt to stay with Medtronic I applied for a Junior Marketing position where the ONLY job requirement I did not have was a college diploma. But I started working for Medtronic without that same college diploma and far exceeded any expectations anyone had of me (so I thought the same would apply now). I was REJECTED for that Marketing position ONLY due to the lack of the college diploma. ???
So I quit under career advancement restraint and I moved to Florida with my new first wife at age 22.
My entire career- then becoming an EKG (heart rhythm) Advanced Interpretation Technologist & Trainer (all self-taught) & executed since 1990 when I moved to Florida. All my job expected of me was to watch up to (24) patients on 24-hour cardiac monitors (that the hospital charged each patient $125.00 per day) and I was to catch & document all changes with EKG printouts for $7.50 an hour to start (FL pays SO MUCH LESS than NYC- but in NYC I only made $13.00 an hour!).
By 1991, all the RN’s were asking me to teach them EKG Interpretation so they could pass their yearly tests, so I did this. No one ever paid me for it, nor did it even occur to anyone to pay me for it??? Also, I had been teaching all of my fellow employees CORRECT EKG Interpretation as none of them did more than a 2-week EKG course which only taught the very basics and VERY QUICKLY (nearly useless). I never got paid for teaching all of my co-workers either.
Then in 1993 we got a new Nursing Manager who had no Cardiac training (not to mention any EKG Interpretation skills at all) so she thought our jobs were a waste of money.
So I wrote her a professional/polite letter explaining to her that all Monitor Techs in the Martin Memorial Hospital Cardiac Care wing are all exceptionally trained in ADVANCED EKG Interpretation (thanks to my teaching them all everything I knew for free as their “Lead” TTechnologist). Wasn’t it nice that they gave me a special position, BUT NOT A PENNY EXTRA PAY???
I added that I myself can reprogram Pacemakers which I have done on weekends with the patient’s doctor’s OK (with patient’s lives on the line) because no Pacemaker Reps. work weekends, and I can predict that a patient is going to have a heart attack before the patient has ANY symptoms (so they very quickly got a TPA injection in many cases which reversed the effects of the heart attacks!) due to my extensive extracurricular self-training I did for myself, this hospital’s patients & it’s employees.
She couldn’t care less regarding my letter; how could she? She had ABSOLUTELY no EKG/Cardiac knowledge whatsoever and she was satisfied with that.
I was fired BY HER less than 6-months later (she was just waiting for any dumb excuse).
I never made more than $30,000 a year in my 16-year career for doing the Cardiologist’s job. But I honestly didn’t care because I got to save lives that otherwise would not have been.
Plus I had the full backing of the Head Of Cardiology (Dr,. Robert Blews) of Martin Memorial Hospital from 1990-1994.Plus I discovered a new heart rhythm never seen before and Dr. Blews allowed me to diagnose it fully, I named the rhythm, and I chose the medication (atropine to increase the patient’s regular rhythm which knocked out the two competing ventricular rhythms) to stop this potentially deadly rhythm now known as Bifocal Ventricular Parasystole.
I bounced from job to job teaching as many that wanted to learn all along the way- saving countless lives in my career and those who learned from me.
How could I have done this stuff in the same job where I never received any respect or and justified pay for all the work above and beyond my job description that I did (and ALL my employers loved) because they knew they didn’t have to pay me to do it?
I’m extremely happy with the decisions I’ve made by never staying at a job for more than 5-years. I kept learning more and more from all the new people I worked with about life in general that I never would have learned if I was stuck in the same boring/thankless job my entire career.