If You Want A Rainbow, You Gotta Deal With The Rain

I’ve been talking to a lot of people lately about their hopes, dreams, new ideas and goals. It has been exciting.

No matter who I am talking to though, the question that always comes up is, “What is the greatest challenge you have faced?”

There have been so many ups, downs and bumps in the road throughout my career that it’s hard to pick one moment.

The hardest thing in life isn't failing or hitting bumps in the road, but rather what you do after. That’s the part that matters, and the one that most people miss. Did you learn? Or did you pout, sit back and do nothing to get better?

I think it is impossible to get to a place of true success without failing on the way there.

Failure isn't the opposite of success, it’s an essential part of it.

To be honest, I had more fun not knowing what the hell I was doing. A little naivety makes it easy to not take yourself too seriously. The only goal I had when I got started was to beat yesterday, and 30 years later that’s still my goal everyday.

Remember, when you think you’ve “lost,” you’re not losing. You may be disappointed that things are not moving as fast as you would like to, but that’s okay.

This is what I suggest: be mindful of disappointments. In order to learn it’s essential to be grateful for what you have.

“Trade your expectations for your appreciation and your whole world changes in an instant.”
- Tony Robbins

To get to the rainbow, you have to deal with the rain that comes first.

Want me to speak to your company or at your next event? Contact my team here.



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