Free Book Contest: I May Have Lost My Mind, but I Never Lost the Remote.

If you’re anything like me, you might have come into work this morning with a brain that’s half-comatose from all the TV you watched over the Thanksgiving break. Maybe you watched TV for more hours than you even slept.

You definitely watched TV for more time than you spent talking to the “loved ones” you see only once a year, for the big meal. Of that much, I’m sure.

The list of “big games” goes on and on. But it doesn’t get any better.

What did I get out of seeing all these games? Were these games really so special - so important – that I had to watch every minute of them?

Between all these games, a little SportsCenter (highlights of the same big games I just watched - ugh), and the other TV shows, I would say I put in a 40-hour TV week. At least.

My hand had such a tight grip on the remote that I couldn’t let it go. I had to hold it while I slept last night.

But here’s the question – how much of these games will I remember in a few days? Or even tomorrow? Anything?

So why did I spend all this time watching them??

 I love sports – it’s inspiring, and entertaining, and touching. Heck, it’s my business!

But if I multiply weeks like this past one over the course of my life, I begin to see how much time I’ve wasted watching “The Big Game” when it wasn’t a big game at all.

When is enough enough? When am I just zapping my brain cells, with nothing to show for them?

Was I studying to be the spokesperson for couch potatoes everywhere? I’m as bad as my kids used to be, with the video games I thought they were addicted to.

So today I’ve decided: If I’m watching a “Big Game,” I’m going to make a point to do some other things while I watch. I’m going to multitask: send work emails; write thank you notes; shop for holiday gifts; read some good articles; watch some good TED talks, etc. And I’m going to work out during some of the more meaningless big games.

In short, I’m gonna keep half of my brain cells – and muscle cells - active. I’m going to protect them!

And I’m not going to use the term “Big Game” anymore. How many “Big Games” can there be before my wife doesn’t believe they’re actually big enough for me to keep the TV on? How many “Big Games” can there be in one single week?

I’m going to schedule which games I watch in advance, to make sure they’re worthy of my time. Because it’s my time! My life is the big game! My brain is the big game! I need to be watching those games a bit more.

I need to see if I can survive without knowing who won the “Battle for Atlantis” the moment it happens. I need to make sure that won’t kill me.

What’s your favorite “Big Game” that’s not really a very big game? Leave your comment below. 

The best answer will win a signed copy of my Living on Purpose

Stay tuned for the big news as I will soon be revealing my new collectibles company. I would like to hear from all of you. Follow/share my blog and find me on all social media platforms Instagram Facebook Twitter


  • My Favorite Big Game? ANY Baseball Game, and especially the World Series – my son who played throughout High School and then moved on to college – baseball was and still is a huge part of our life – he has friends that are now in the minors and we watch games (him from Chicago and me in Cleveland while watching the same game on the phone). I was “that mom” – a single mom, doing everything to make that dream a possibility -including Jeter jersey that hangs in his room and every year a special signed item for Christmas so many memories that we still talk about and every time he comes home – we go out ahd “throw” in the yard – that is what the Big Game gives me, to include yesterday before his flight back – priceless -

    I may not win this book – but had to share -

    Many Blessings to you:)

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