Don't Drive A 9,999 Pound Truck Over A 10,000 Pound Bridge

Let me ask you, why you would take a 9,999 pound truck over a bridge with a capacity of 10,000 pounds? Can you spell DANGER?

So many of us in our lives are pushing things to the absolute max and we simply cannot get away with it.

For example: you know the feeling when you eat too much, to the point that the food doesn’t even taste good anymore? Well maybe it’s time you stop eating, and focus on other things that are important, like drinking water!

My point is that you just can’t do everything!

Too much of doing things in the now, day after day, is just not productive, and this can be very dangerous to you in the long run.

When you are overloaded with work, you tend to be more irritated and will eventually burnout.

You know yourself better than anyone, so I’ll ask you this: are you at your best when you have too much on your plate?

With this overload of work you are burdening yourself with, you’re taking away from the good stuff in your life. You’re ignoring your family, your health, and all the things that should really be important to you.

To be able to balance all these things you need to focus on your time management, and you have to realize there are a limited number of hours in the day (not trying to stress you out, just saying)!

You only have so much time in your day to do as much as you can, but you still have to stop rushing through your day.

I guarantee you don’t even remember half of the things you did yesterday, and some of it was actually important. You were just too distracted with other things to remember.

So, how are you supposed to balance all you have to do just to get through your day?

  1. Be present: Live in the moment, and recognize the opportunity you are given by waking up each day.
  2. Get rest: It’s a must to make sure you are fully prepared for the day ahead, and this can be accomplished by taking care of your body first and foremost.
  3. Find the right environment: Be in a place where you are able to enjoy your job, your life, and most importantly your family.
  4. Prioritize: Clear the clutter that is eating up your time.
  5. Make the most of the first ninety seconds in your day: Watch below.

Seriously, you’re telling me you can’t dedicate the first two minutes of your day to concentrating on being the best that you can be?

We’re all guilty of missing all that is happening on around us, but it’s time that you take a second to look around, because one day all those opportunities will be “what ifs.”

Want me to speak to your company or at your next event? Contact my team here.

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