One of my favorite phrases of all time is You Must Be In Relentless Pursuit of Perfection
A lot of people misappropriate this phrase with being a perfectionist, but the truth of the matter is, it has less to do with getting everything right, rather not accepting, not settling, and not giving up.
I love this phrase because it’s a great reminder that YOU and YOU ONLY choose to show up, choose what you are willing to say yes or no to, and choose what your morals and principles are.
It is so easy to make excuses and tell yourself that…
My Hands Are Tied
I would love to, but…
My boss won't let me…
but the reality is that YOU need to face reality and stop making excuses! Get connected to changing what you want things to be, not how things are.
We have all been there – desperately wanting change and improvement, but paralyzed by the sheer thought of action. What do I do first? What next?? How do I do this???
I think the best advice would be Action beats Anxiety.
*Love this quote; I heard it recently and wish I could remember who it was from – hopefully I can credit this person in the future!
Remember, no reasonable person expects you to lose 30 pounds, find your dream job, reorganize your life overnight. The goal is not to make 180 degree change on day one, but to get a little better each day.
If you can consistently "beat yesterday", you will be amazed what progress you will make, what doors will open for you, and what clarity you will gain over time. Rome wasn't built in a day, but I bet the Romans were working on it everyday.
Just as important as knowing change does not happen overnight is not letting a bump in the road put you on the side of the road. If you have a low tolerance to failure, you will have poor to zero results.
Failure is part of the game - live it, embrace it!Your greatest losses can grow into your greatest gains!
Just remember the change you seek is closer than you would think.
Quote of the Day: "Let today be the day you give up who you’ve been for who you can become.” - Hal Elrod
Song of the Day: "Fix You" by Coldplay
*My latest book; "Living on Purpose: Stories about Faith, Fortune and Fitness that will lead you to an Extraordinary Life", is available for order - Click Here*