8 Questions with Harvey Diamond About Living Without Pain | Part 2

The following is Part 2 of 8 Questions with Harvey Diamond, my in-depth look at the state of dietary best practices and nutrition in this country with Harvey Diamond, one of the foremost nutrition experts this country has ever seen.




So what do you eat for breakfast?

Fruit! Why? Because fruit is the one and only food in the human diet that does not digest in the stomach. It does not require energy from the body to break it down. It breaks down in the intestines. It releases all nutrients and doesn’t leave you tired.

The #1 single-most important piece of information I tell for people, is don’t believe me, prove me wrong and just try it for two weeks. Have fruit until noon. 

Fruit cannot be eaten after other foods, it’s such a counterproductive thing.

It has to be eaten alone and it has to be fresh.

Orange juice that’s been pasteurized is about as bad as drinking battery acid!

It must be fresh squeezed or you’re better off having nothing.

Heat is death. Everything that’s heated kills all of the good things we’re trying to get out of the fruit.

What’s a great daily diet? After fruit until noon- then what?

What I would do, I wouldn’t expect others to do, it took me decades- I eat fruit until 4pm and then have my one cooked meal of the day. Once you’ve had fruit don’t have any more fruit for another three hours.

After I would have fresh-caught salmon, pastured chicken or meat with a salad…and you’ll be fine. You don’t want to eat something that’s going to make you tired and go buy a 5-hour energy or coffee.

Then- dinner. You can have something like pasta and vegetables and some salad.

What I’m talking about is proper food combining. By and large, meat and starches should not be eaten together at the same time. If you want starch, go ahead. 

Why? Everything takes energy and we want to save it.

Energy is constantly being squandered away on the digestive process.

In a nutshell, move away so much from worrying so much about the diet and you’re talking about thinking of how your diet and the body work together?

The human digestive tract has limitations and I’m saying you have to honor those limitations.

For two weeks, try something:

·      From the time you wake up in the morning, have fruit only until noon

·      At noon, don’t mix protein and starch

·      You’re not going to need a snack, but if you need a snack, you can have some root or raw nuts (not too many)

·      For dinner, do the same thing as lunch- starch or protein with a salad and vegetable 

After the end of those two weeks, tell me how you feel.

How do you get into a system?

It comes down to energy. Where are you going to give your energy?

The whole idea is to have the digestive process unfold more efficiently on less energy.

How important is exercise in all of this, particularly with reducing pain?

Some form of exercise is absolutely essential. At least go out and take a brisk walk or go ride your bike for 20-30 minutes a day. Our bodies were built for exercise. It makes everything that you’re doing so much more effective. 

There is a reason why after being exposed to Agent Orange that I don’t have any pain. I actually feel pretty darn good under the circumstances. I have learned how to free up energy.

I was going to be dead like a lot of my compatriots and I wasn’t ready to be dead yet!

Harvey Diamond is a Health & Wellness Advocate and New York Times #1 Bestselling Author who has been studying and teaching the principles of healthful living for over 40 years. He is credited as a pioneer in helping shift people toward healthier eating. He has helped millions of people worldwide to not only dramatically improve their health, but also to overcome serious, catastrophic disease, including cancer.

BrandonSteiner.com Blog subscribers can purchase a special package consisting of the following for just $19.99 (retail value: $77.75):
Living Without Pain book, Fit For Life Proper Food Combining Chart (2), DVD - Conversation with Harvey Diamond, CD - Fountain of Youth, CD - Living Without Pain


  • The principal of not eating complex foods together is really helping. But, the fruit in the morning is difficult because of the sugar, too much sugar for me. Is coffee in the morning ok?

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