I Don't Know

Just because you don’t have what you want now doesn’t mean you can’t get there at some point. You have to have more confidence and have an understanding about what the big picture is for your business, career and your life.

So, if I ever hear you tell me, “I don’t know,” I’m hanging up; kicking you out of my office; never talking to you again. 

What is it that you may be saying, “I don’t know,” to? This:

How much is the highest paid person in your field making?

This is one of the most important questions I ask people. The reason is that we all want to feel valued and if we have an understanding of what the most experienced people in our field have done to reach the pinnacle of our business, we're grooming ourselves for success.

In reality, what’s stopping you from being the highest paid person in your field? Not a lot. It’s just a matter of perspective. What you really need to say to yourself is, “What knowledge do I need to obtain to be the best at what I do?”

When you have the answer to that question you will be on the fast-track to success.

So, what do you do? What is the highest paid person in your field making? What knowledge do you need to obtain? When you become the best at what you do, what will that look like? Figure it out, then work backwards.

1 comment


    Thank you so much DOCTOR ODUNGA for making my ex boyfriend come back to me. I am writing this wonderful testimony in respect of this man. He made all my wishes come true. My boyfriend and I dated for more than 3 years and although we had had so many quarrels we never thought of a break up. One day, he called me over the phone telling me how he is tired of the relationship and cannot see anywhere that we are heading to. Months passed and my boyfriend did not contact me anymore and I did not hear from him anymore and his cell phone was disconnected. I knew I needed to seek help because of the love I have for him. I contacted this great spell caster because i have never contacted anyone before and i tell you that after a week of contact, my ex boyfriend called me and asked to see me and the next morning, he wore a ring on my finger. I am very happy because I am soon going to be a married girl with the help of this great spell caster. I promised to manifest your works to everyone and please contact this man to help you

    Email: odungaspelltemple@gmail.com OR contact him on WhatsApp +2348167159012.

    Melony on

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