It's Not What You Do, But How You Do It

Took a long time for me to explain to people what I did. Booking athlete appearances? Selling autographs? It didn’t make sense to most folks because sports marketing was in its infancy back in the late 80's and early 90's.

What I’ve come to realize after 26 years in this business, it’s not so much about what I did, but how I did it because there are so many aspects of a business that can translate across different fields.

I think about integrity, honesty, taking care of people, working hard, being diligent,  our authentication process, costumer service etc....yes, all of these are important elements in running a business.

Too many people are concerned these days with what they do and how much they make. My genuine, total concern is and always has been about the way I run my business above everyone else.

So, no matter what type of business you’re in, remember that it’s not about what you do every day, it’s about how you do it.

Everyday I ask myself, “What else?” How can I go further? How can I add value, differentiate and be a market disruptor? The way to have a more productive life and to add value both at work and at home, is by paying attention to details. My success as an entrepreneur over the years has been dictated by that. Subscribe to this blog to read more about how you can achieve that success, as well. Always remember, “What Else is in the Details.”


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