Podcast with Susan Sly: Commitment is Not Convenient

Susan Sly

A couple of weeks ago I was a guest on the podcast of my good friend Susan Sly - we discussed commitment, relationships, selling, long-term happiness...you know, all of the little and big things we all try to get right in order to lead successful, happy lives.

You can listen to the pod in the player above (if you got this via email, please go to the online post), or on Susan's original post >here.<

Here's the pull-out quote Susan selected. I know I said it, but I like it too!

"For the most part, no one’s gonna appreciate how tired you are at half time, or how hard a time your significant other is giving you at home, or how annoying your coworker can be. You don’t get bonus points for dealing with these things. The successful person accepts these things as part of the game. The productive, successful person keeps their nose to the grindstone no matter what is going on around them – because they’re interested only in the long-term returns."

1 comment

  • So I saw a testimony online about this spell caster who help people in getting back ex husband and wife together and I decided to get back my long lost relationship. I am happy today to have been helped by Dr. Odunga in helped me get my ex boyfriend back after 2 years of separation. My name is Kayla Darwin from Arkansas, USA and I am fulfilling my promise to Dr. Odunga to give my own testimony after he have helped me. I never thought I would have my ex boyfriend Justin back after he left me 2 years ago and Dr. Odunga helped me cast a love spell on him to bring him back to me. Thank you sir and I pray this testimony helps anyone who reads it to get their ex back also. His email is odungaspelltemple@gmail.com OR Whats-App +2348167159012

    Kayla Darwin on

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