10 Tips for College

School is just getting started so I thought I'd give you my 10 Tips for College Students:

1. It’s not who you know, but who knows YOU.

2. Research everyone you get a chance to meet before you meet them. Impress those future contacts!

3. Embrace a few “uncomfortable” classes that you would not ordinarily take. This will provide what we call growth. And MAKE sure to take a couple of business and accounting classes - they’ll come in handy no matter what you end up doing.

4. Don’t hesitate to turn to your parents and other relatives for guidance. (By the way, it’s time to find out what your all your distant relatives do for a living. You might need their help soon!)

5. Start planning your summer internship immediately. Don’t wait until the spring; don’t wait at all. Internships are more important to careers than ever. Start yourself off right.

6. Remember why you’re in college – and what you need to get out of it. They’re not going to put the number of keg stands you do – or the number of people you hook up with- on your degree. Unless you go to Ohio State – I don’t know what goes on there.

7. Always think big. And try new things: classes, clubs, new people. (Make friends with people who go to the library on Friday nights, by the way. They are going to be very successful.)

8. Make friends with a couple of upperclassmen. They’ve traveled the path; they can give you directions.

9. Be smart by using your time off – winter break, etc. – wisely. You’re not going to have such long breaks after college.

10. Be safe. I’d never tell you not to party, because I’m not a fool. But don’t be stupid about it. Don’t end up as a public service announcement. And look out for your friends, too!

Honorable Mentions:

* Learn effective ways of studying and try to stay a lesson ahead in every class.

* Don’t rely on all-nighters right before Finals. Not fun at all.

* You and/or your family is spending a lot of money on your education – don’t waste it! Get a big Return on Investment.

* Remember: If you learn a lot, you will earn a lot.

1 comment

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