The 21.5 Unbreakable Laws of Selling

When there's a new book by Jeffrey Gitomer, a close friend and invaluable mentor to me, we're not just talking about some pretty little author here with another pretty little book.

Jeffrey's new book, The 21.5 Unbreakable Laws of Selling, is full of insightful strategies and laws for making it in sales and, really, any business. If you're an aspiring salesman or entrepreneur, this is a must-read.

I asked Jeffrey three questions about the book. The first one is below; I'll post the next two questions as bonuses on my next two posts.

Me: What is the biggest difference between selling today and 10 years ago?

Jeffrey: Four words have changed selling (and buying) forever – THE INTERNET and SOCIAL MEDIA – the Internet sells trillions annually, and it does it 24-7-365. Customers can investigate, shop price, compare prices and values – and buy with one click – anyplace in the world. Social media is the largest one-on-one sales reference on the planet – and like the Internet, it’s keeping business (and salespeople) honest. And it’s making smarter customers. ADVICE: Get heavily involved with the Internet. Make sure it serves your customers, not just your company. Get heavily involved in social media, and don’t just post – respond to comments, concerns, and praise.

You can buy The 21.5 Unbreakable Laws of Selling here.


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