A lot of people talk about breakfast being the most important meal of the day, and maybe, from a physiological standpoint, that’s true.
But from my perspective, lunch is by far the most important meal.
Lunch is a meal you can make some money on. It’s a meal with which you can make some new friends, some new relationships.
At my company, we have around 100 employees, and it amazes me that day in and day out, the same people eat lunch with the same people. Every. Day.
I think most people would agree with me that the quality of your life is based on the quality of your relationships. And that along those lines, the quality of your work life is based on the quality of your work relationships.
So why wouldn’t you want to build as many great work relationships as possible?
I’m sure you accept the fact that you need to go out to lunch with clients and business partners all the time – that’s a necessary part of getting the most out of those relationships.
Why does that reasoning not extend to people you see every day at the office?
Why not break some bread with new people at the office, and get to know the different bosses and colleagues who work in other areas?
That way, you’ll be more on top of how the company functions as a whole. And when you’re in need of something from these other people, you’ll have at least a bit of a rapport with them.
I like to say that brilliance comes from stating the obvious; this is a great example.
Obviously you should spread yourself around your office, getting to know the people you see and depend on - directly or indirectly - all the time.
But it’s amazing how few people do this!
Why not make lunch a more productive part of your workday?