A few weeks ago, I wrote about my regret that while my career was taking off, I didn’t make it home for dinner with my family as often as I wish I had.
But it’s funny - because nowadays, even being with people in person, even making it home, isn’t enough.
See, neither of those conditions actually implies being present.
Because half the time, when we’re with people, we’re so busy checking our smartphones that we’re not even fully with them. We’re in ten different cyber places at once.
In order make sure you’re spending quality time with the people you love, and not just time, try turning your cell phone off between the hours of 6 and 10PM for a few nights.
If even the thought of doing that scares you, you’re the exact person I’m talking to!
The best present we can give people is to be present.
Buy my new book, You Gotta Have Balls, here.