New York Yankees Pitcher Dellin Betances to Help Family Services of Westchester Inaugurate Programming at Lanza Family Center for All Ages

Family Services of Westchester (FSW) is thrilled to announce that New York Yankees pitcher Dellin Betances will join guests, and a group of the teens served by FSW’s programs, to mark the beginning of operations at The Lanza Family Center for All Ages in White Plains, with a reception on Wednesday, April 29, 2015. FSW was introduced to Betances through Brandon Steiner, CEO of Steiner Sports Marketing and FSW Board Member, and he immediately agreed to support our efforts.

Born in Washington Heights, Betances is one of three children born to parents who emigrated to the US from the Dominican Republic. Betances’ successes as a teen, and now in his professional career in the major league, will be a true inspiration for the teens he will meet at the event. “We are delighted that Brandon Steiner, President of Steiner Sports Marketing and FSW Board Member, introduced us to Betances and that he immediately wanted to become involved with our efforts,” remarks Susan B. Wayne, President and CEO of FSW. “It feels so appropriate that Betances, a relatively new member of the Yankees and a great hope for the future of the team, should join forces with FSW as we launch operations at our newest facility, which is a great hope for our future,” adds Ms. Wayne.

FSW’s new Lanza Family Center for All Ages, modeled after My Second Home, FSW’s award-winning intergenerational program in Mt. Kisco, brings children, teens and seniors together at one site to participate in programs, share experiences and benefit from one another, just as they would in a family setting. Betances will be on hand to first greet Swiss Re employees and their guests, followed by a larger crowd of FSW supporters and program participants. “We are so grateful to Swiss Re for sponsoring this event,” says Courtney Rabb, Vice President for Development and External Affairs at FSW. “Their support for FSW, especially their incredible generosity in designating FSW ‘Charity of the Year’ has been remarkable and we are excited to bring them together with Betances to meet some of the youth who benefit from our programs.

FSW was founded in 1954 and runs more than 50 social service and mental health programs for all ages, including Adoption, Head/Start/Early Head Start, Adult and Youth Residences and Veterans Outreach and Support. Please visit, for more information.

This article originally appeared here.


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