Today's post is from someone I respect greatly and have the privilege to work with on a daily basis: Kelvin Joseph, Steiner Sports' new Chief Operating Officer. Kelvin came to me last year when he was looking for a new challenge as part of his future with the company. The following is a result of that conversation.
People focus too much on how they’re not getting paid enough and how much they think they should be getting paid in the immediate future. This post is not about money (but you can find one here). This is about happiness!
Everyone wants to be happy. It governs everything we do spiritually, with our family, and our careers. If you spend 12 hours commuting to and working at a job that does not fit, 2 hours of wasted time watching TV, and 7 hours sleeping then there is not much time left for happiness. It's time for a change. Let's focus on your current job. Who are you at work? Let's assume that you are FAT (Faithful, Available, and Teachable).
Which of these categories best describes your current role?
Money Maker- You generate money for your company. You are not easily replaceable, because customers/clients/strategic partners love you. You do not ride the wave. You create the wave!
Money Saver- You control expenses, report valuable information, strategize, manage people, and actually do real work. You also save the company money by being underpaid, while doing 2-3 jobs.
Money Spender- You control or work in a department that has a budget, but it is hard to measure the return on investment. You are bored because you can do your job in 5 hours, but you have to stay until 6:01 (9 to 5 died in 2008). You might be overpaid for the job you are doing, but have tremendous potential to do more.
Not Sure- You are unique and don't fit into any of these categories, but you are not happy and you don't even know why.
Many people think that the grass is greener on the other side, but the grass is greener where you water it! You do not have to leave your company to be happy, but you may need a new challenge. In 2014, I took on a new challenge. Brandon thought I was crazy when I told him that being the CFO at Steiner Sports was not enough for me. He firmly reminded me that he was not going anywhere and his job was not an option for at least 10 years!
I was a Money Saver, but I wanted to be a Money Maker. Just like you might be, I was in the wrong category. Ultimately, the conversation lead to more responsibility now as the Chief Operating Officer at Steiner Sports, where I oversee the daily operations of the company and the strategic direction of all sales and business development operations. I spend most of my day helping companies use the power of sports to grow their business.
I'm a Money Maker! I got a new job without leaving! I switched categories! I made a change! I'm happy!
In 2015, get a new job without leaving!
This post originally appeared on LinkedIn here.