Nobody wants A-Rod's locker.
Competition has been fierce for signs, turnstiles and other Yankee Stadium memorabilia, but when the bidding closes tomorrow night at the auction house that Ruth built, many items may go unsold.
The starting bid for Alex Rodriguez's locker was $25,000. As of last evening, there were zero takers.
Of a few hundred lots offered, 25 items had no bids and 30 just one.
Brandon Steiner, whose firm runs the auction, said the real bidding would likely start today or tomorrow.
"The number of registered users on our site has doubled in the past couple of months, and many are not going to bid until the last minute," he explained.
Other items not bid for are the signs for the women's bathrooms, team President Randy Levine's end tables, the traveling secretary's lamp, luxury-suite doors and the wheelchair-accessibility signs.
The most popular is a sign quoting Joe DiMaggio: "I want to thank the Good Lord for making me a Yankee." At 51 bids, it's up to $3,550.
Hundreds more items will be available in a second auction from September to December.
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