Steiner Sports Press Release
September, 2006
Steiner Sports, Last Licks, and Family Services of Westchester have recently teamed up to renovate two homes in White Plains, NY for 16-adolescents who have no real place to call home. These two homes together will be named in memory of Mara Steiner's father Jerome Wagner, and will be named the Jerome Wagner Youth Residence for Boys. Our primary goal is to raise $250,000 over the next year in order to provide these boys with the proper accommodations so they may live comfortably, and receive mentoring and education to better their futures. All of the money that is raised will be used towards the building renovations and program development.
Many of the boys and girls who come to the program are deeply troubled, having suffered hurtful neglect and abuse or serious conflict with their parents. Many of these children do not even have a home because they have been abandoned. With the help from this program these teens will be able to learn ways to cope, tap into their strengths, rise above, and to find hope in becoming contributing members of society.
Brandon Steiner has used his connections in the sports industry to help the fundraising effort. He will conduct a live auction at Shea Stadium, and a web auction through Steiner Sports, where all proceeds from both of the auctions will go towards the project. Additionally, Brandon will be appearing on media outlets such as SNY, and various radio networks to help promote the Home and the fundraising campaign.
The site that has been envisioned involves various renovations and specific programs. The renovations that are planned to occur include a refurbished living room which will be more conducive for learning, a modernized kitchen, redesigned kitchen and dining area, larger bathrooms, repaired damage to the front porch, revamped basement and recreational room, the creation of an outdoor relaxation space, and multiple fixtures to the landscape to improve the overall appearance of the homes. The specific programs that will be available to the youths will include substance use and prevention, family therapy, individual and group therapy, medical and dental care, recreational trips and special events, independent living skills training, job readiness, and resume writing assistance.
With your help we will be able to obtain our ultimate goal and provide these teens with a new stable lifestyle where they will be able to achieve educational skills for the future and be safe. Again, all of the money that is raised will go directly towards the development of the two homes and specific programs.